Here I am

A woman is like a tea bag: you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water - Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, September 12, 2005

I know, I know....this one's waaaayyyyyy overdue...

I profusley apologize to the non-existent audience (younger sisters don't count =P) who read my blog for keeping ya'll waiting a month. I will try to do better.

So what has been going on since I last posted. Well....I'm back in school FOR MY LAST SEMESTER!!!!!!!!!!!! I still can't beleive it!!!! I mean it was just two months ago I was on a standing room only 2K or 2D, trying to keep my nose in my own armpit, trying not to faint from lack of breathable air during the 45 min it took to reach Block N, North Nazimabad from Saddar, stressing abt college apps, A levels, and SATs. It was only 4 weeks ago that I was moving into Pearsons Hall (my first dorm at MHC) all starry and wide eyed at finally living my 10 yr old dream. I fill like watsisname, the guy whole fell asleep for 20 yrs.....oh yeah old Rip. I went to sleep my first night in Pearsons, and when I wake up this morning, it is the last &#$*@&@#*&$ semester of college!!!
I don't think this fact will sink till I am packing up in Dec, giving away the stuff I can't fit in 2 suitcases (which is going to be a whole lot!!), and either flying to Khi or moving into an apartment near my first foray into the real world as a college graduate a.k.a. job. Keeping in mind my financial situation, or the lack of it, I hope and pray that it is the latter.

In other news: I am taking this really cool English class called Literature for Children. The reading assignment: reading childrens' books!! I mean, how cool is that!! We even get to read (or reread in my) case HP!!! But the funny thing is, I dont know any of the books that we will be doing/discussing. I grew up with Peter and Jane and then later Enid Blyton and her famous five, secret seven, circus stories, and ofcourse Mallory Towers and St. Clair. A lot of americans haven't even heard of her!! Their loss I say. So if you haven't guessed it by now, I am very much looking forward to the reading assignments!
Wat else?? Oh yeah! I have (more or less) decided that Carnegie Mellon and Iowa State are very defintely on my list of grad schools to apply. That also reminds me... THE GREs! I have been studying for those too.
Indeed, fun times.


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